
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Buying Into A Another Job

Are You Buying Into A Business Or Buying Into Another Job? Never looked at it as another job, did you? Most people that join a home based business don't.

They look at all the benefits, they visualize all the money, cars, boats, houses, fame, etc, bit never visualize HOW they are going to get there.

And you can't blame yourself if you're feeling that way now. I tell you what, 99% of people that start a home business in MLM or direct sales feel the exact same way.

But will they tell you? Probably not. In fear that they'll scare the living crap out of you and you'll run for your life!

And in reality, if you tell someone EXACTLY what's involved in any home business for that matter, most will actually accept the fact that HARD WORK has to be done in order to achieve HARD RESULTS.

While most might keep that factor that this is just another job, in reality, you'd be surprised at the potential an average person has when confronted with the right opportunity to begin living a life they've never had.

When Having Another Job Might Be The Only Resolution It's a tough world out there guys, and most of you already know that. It takes some serious mental focus these days at keeping from going absolutely insane with all the financial problems most have to deal with daily.

And having another job MIGHT not seem as such a bad idea.

But what about:
who's going to watch my kids if I have to work another job?how much am I going to be making working part time and is it even worth it?does anyone even care about just how much I'm busting my ass daily to try and make ends meet?who's going to feed my family while I'm out working 'till the late hours at a part time?and so on....All these question and a ton more are what' driving people to look for a plan B, something that's legit, will put more food on the table, and might even be something that can bring the things they always wanted out of life (mainly freedom).

But there's on thing in particular that won;t allow the majority to move any further than where they are financially today.

And that's...

Thinking Another Job Is Just That... Another Job! It's the mindset folks!

It's what's between your ears that will keep the majority in the same boat to financial disaster that they're currently in without a life jacket.

Let's go back in time for a second.

How many of you can HONESTLY tell me that anyone that has ever achieved the greatest feats in life did it WITHOUT having to sacrifice, work hard, associate themselves with the right people, and take an opportunity offered to achieve their greatest goals EVEN if they knew absolutely nothing about how they will make it happen for them?


I didn't think so!

Even great achiever in life (Martin Luther King, Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln, Rosa Parks, etc.) ALL had to step out of their comfort zones and take life by the horns!

So what's the BIG SECRET to making another job (or opportunity) work in your favor?

There is none! There is no secret because all you need to make anything positive happen in your life is already inside of you.

Your job is to LET IT OUT!

Do what you must to live how you want (legally folks!)!

Yeah it takes work, but only YOU can view this as another job, or another opportunity I'm going to let slip by.

View the original article here

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